Ever Present • Release
My new song Ever Present is coming out this weekend. It features lyrics by London based Maria Kheyfets and the incredible guitar work of Norwegian Mathias Lunde. I want to thank the Mark Abrams, #Puremix, and its members for the awesome feedback while mixing. Some members said this song has a Pink Floyd feel; which, it would be humbling to have that comparison (thanks Mathias!) It is remarkable how small the world is getting and the ability to work with creative individuals and teams internationally.
Maria Kheyfets was able to craft my heart and path as I share a time of feeling distant from God and a desire to return to a God centered life. Both Maria and Mathias are skills are available on #Fiverr
I am also thankful for the foundation and training I received from #ryantedder and #charlieputh from their studio.com courses. Their step-by-step walk through songwriting and production continues to be a beacon as I perfect my art. Ever Present will be available on all streaming platforms and I will share a link when available.
Available June 3, 2023